OUR APPROACH PAGE…Maybe we have something like ASSESS/SUPPORT/TRANSFORM  on the first page that links to a separate page…? All this is open for discussion.

Erica and I have doubled our expertise  in order to offer a complete package of medical and mind/body healing support. Our healing approach involves three steps. 


Connecting the dots.  What physically or emotionally have contributed to to creating the physical issues you have now. 

I find that many people come misdiagnosed or have never had one person connect the dots of  their medical conditions. In your first appointment, I will look at all your previous labs, go in depth into your health history up to  the present time, consider treatable genetic SNPs showing up as or emotional or physical conditions shared with other family members. identify potential toxic exposures such as lead, mercury amalgams, pesticide, glyphosate, mold.   If additional labs are needed they will be ordered at this time. 

Labs may include: 

Mold tests:  IGG/IGE, Urine, Blood, Nasal culture

Advanced Lyme/Coinfection, Opportunistic Infection Testing

Hormone panel: sex hormones, thyroid and adrenal. 

Blood tests

Genetic markers

Nutritional markers

Toxin panel

Stool tests- Microbiome, digestive markers, bacteria/yeast/parasite, fat maldigestion, gluten intolerance, food allergy

Cancer Markers

Labs can be ordered in our online store and assessed at your first visit. Ideally it is best to wait for Doctor Elizabeth to prioritize labs that she considers most important. 


To heal, we  must feel heard and supported. 

Erica provides  the mind/body or coaching roles around limbic system dysfunction, stress reduction, etc. you write this part

Elizabeth  creates a program addressing your medical issues: 

Detox of liver, kidney, colon and lymphatics

Organ support: heart, vascular system, GI (Gall bladder, stomach and intestines), adrenals, thyroid, brain, bladder, sex organs. 

Anti-microbial (bacterial/viral/parasite/yeast) treatment.

Neurotransmitter support to improve your emotional well being, 

Sleep enhancement. Without deep sleep your body cannot heal. 

Nutritional and Dietary changes

We understand the following misunderstood aspects of illness:

Highly Sensitive, Toxicity, Pyroluria, MCS, Nervous system dysregulation, vaccine reactions. 


We all deserve to feel joyful, energized, clear headed and pain free.

Once the emotional rebalancing and physical treatments begin correcting your imbalances, you will feel the transformative effect of improved health, energy and sleep.  From here we help you to employ techniques and healthy practices to maintain this state of well being. 

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sounds like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest.