Saving the Human Race begins with Regenerative Farming.
2021 was my awakening to Regenerative Farming. In June 2021, I was on a plane to Tennessee to look at buying land and spend a day at the Rogue Food Conference. What I learned there changed my life. I had learned the concept of “Food as Medicine” as an ND but after experiencing the inspirational movers and shakers Joel Salatin and Nita Bali I “saw the light”. I was newly inspired to live as much as possible from a regenerative farming approach. What is Regenerative Farming? It is a farming practice that replenishes the soil with organic matter restoring soil biodiversity resulting in carbon draw down, improving the water cycle and can reverse climate change. Regenerative agriculture leaves healthy soil capable of producing high quality nutrient dense food. I truly believe we need a radical approach to health to save our planet and restore health and well being. With cancer, autism, heart disease, Alzheimers and obesity at staggering levels, we need a RESET that is empowering to both humans and the planet alike. Regenerative Farming believes health starts from the ground up literally. Healthy soil is alive with microorganisms, organic matter and not tainted with chemical or pesticides. Healthy soil builds a healthy ecosystem supporting the immunity of the plants, pollinators, animals and humans that depend on it . Farming In a way that restores ecological health rather than stripping the soil of all nutrients is a sustainable practice the world needs to embrace. I realized eating organic and going to Whole Foods isn’t enough anymore to insure we are eating nourishing foods that will maintain and restore health. It is important to eat food right out of the ground from your back yard or your local farmers market. Also after being a vegetarian for 25 years, it is my opinion that eating humane and properly raised animals is the most nutritious diet available. Seeing cows that rotated pastures weekly eating a diet of nutrient organic cover crops, drinking from natural streams and living the stress free life on hundreds of acres is in stark contrast to the meat most people eat that is toxic and inflammatory, filled with antibiotics, hormones and GMO soy.
I didn't move to the land I wanted (yet) but am raising my own free-range chickens that supply the phosphatidylcholine that my body needs due to my genetic PEMT mutations. I am growing sunflowers and corn to feed those chickens and an expansive garden where I can know I am getting the most nutrient dense food possible by creating nutrient dense soil fortified with compost, earthworm castings and chicken manure.
“Eating is not complicated. Eat animals and plants that are healthier than you are, mostly meat. Quality matters because you gain the health or sickness of whatever you eat.” Nita Bali
What YOU can do to save yourself and the Human Race
Grow a garden. For those with the means to hire someone consider Food Forest Abundance. Jim Gales company that will design your permaculture garden that will enable you to grow your own food. Food Forest Abundance
Buy Local and Support sustainable farmers. Talk to the farmers and visit the ranch ensuring the highest quality farming. Join a CSA.
Compost all your food scraps and refrain from spraying harmful chemicals or herbicides.
Eat grass fed butter. Grass-fed butter contains five times more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than butter from grain-fed cows and higher amounts of EPA an DHA. CLA, a beneficial fatty acid, has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, and prevents bone loss, Its higher butyrate content supports a healthy gut and feeds mitochondria. Grass fed butter has anti-oxidant qualities supporting eye and skin health with higher amounts of lutein and betacarotene. Grain free butter has less mold as moldy grains are often used as animal feed.
Grow broccoli sprouts high in glutathione for immune support and detoxification.